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Horse riding is:

A kind of moral school that teaches you;

Be active in rest

Quiet in motion

Energetic in gentleness

Authoritarian with respect

Flexible in effort

Attentive in confidence

Thoughtful in action

(unknown author)

Pour le Plaisir de Partager un Crin de notre Passion!
45 $ In Group
$ 55 Semi-Private
$ 70 Private lesson
Baby Club
Pony Club

For ages 4 to 6

Lesson through play

With the participation of parents


The lesson is to

learn together the methods of grooming, saddling and riding.

The parent then learns

to lead the pony and 

her child rides in complete safety

with the help of the instructor.

The child acquires a

better balance using

fun activity in the form of stations or challenges on horseback

while working its coordination and concentration


For 6 to 9 years old

This program

wonderfully designed by

Cheval Quebec,

consists of learning

the basics of horseback riding and

security basics

around the horse.

The child learns to

groom the horse alone

as well as to install

saddle and bridle

with the help of the instructor.


It offers 4 stages to be completed in preparation for the levels of Cavaliers.

For ages 9 and up

This program

by Cheval Quebec

allows learning

progressive over

equestrian techniques

on the flat and jumps,

horse care as well as

the stable management.

It prepares the rider to

be autonomous in

its equestrian path and

can bring it in competition.

In classic riding,

there are 8 levels,

therefore 8 patents of

Recognized riders.

To follow us on our facebook page

  • Page Facebook : Aux Petits Bonheurs de la Sauverène

Course of a lesson at La Sauverène

For the course of the lessons, it is necessary to plan 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes where the rider learns:

1) Grooming (15-20 minutes):


Privileged moment of the first contact between the horse and its rider on the ground


1. The hoof pick - clean the feet of our horse

2. The curlly cumb - provides a massage and helps loosen dust and dirt from the horse

3. The hard brush - Removes the dust dislodged by the curlly comb

4. The soft brush - Allows you to finalize the grooming by removing the last small dust.

5. Sponge or towel - Allows you to thoroughly clean the horse's eyes, nose and mouth.

2) Rinding (30 minutes which will increase with the autonomy and capacity of the rider)

Moment so long of dreams of being on horseback, and becoming a centaur

1. Getting into the saddle - getting on your mount

2. Warming up of the rider and his mount

3. Saddle up exercises - fundamentals of the basic riding position

4. Learning equestrian techniques

5. Practice the newly introduced technique

3) The Return to Calm (10-15 minutes)

Time to say goodbye to our horse

1. Return to the stable to remove the bridle and saddle

2. Clean the feet

3. Soft brush

4. Return his mount to boxing or meadow

5. Give a big hug and say goodbye

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